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Complex network techniques for transmission expansion and vulnerability assessment

S. Lumbreras

3ª Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Sistemas Complejos - CS3, Madrid (España). 19-21 febrero 2025


The research line developed by Sara Lumbreras, Andrés Ramos, and Rafael Espejo introduces a transformative approach to addressing two fundamental challenges in power grid management: synthetic grid generation and vulnerability analysis. In light of increasing grid complexity, which stems from the integration of diverse energy sources, interconnection across borders, and greater susceptibility to disturbances, this research line leverages complex-network techniques to enhance the efficiency and resilience of power systems. By shifting from traditional power-flow models to complex-network-based methodologies, this research line addresses core issues in the design, operation, and protection of modern grids.

Fecha de publicación: 2025-02-19.

S. Lumbreras, Complex network techniques for transmission expansion and vulnerability assessment, 3ª Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Sistemas Complejos - CS3, Madrid (España). 19-21 febrero 2025.

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